Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 2 in Bern: Jet lag

After traveling for 16+ hours and staying up for 33 hours straight (with a few 1 hour naps) I felt drained. Jet lag had hit me hard. I fell into bed at 11:00pm last night and didn't get out until 2:00pm today. 15 hours of the thing I needed more than ever in my life: sleep. I also needed to get groceries. I went to Denner, which is just a few hundred meter walk away and one of the cheaper grocery stores around. Here is my receipt:
Vollkorntoas (bread)................................1.05 CHF
Penne Napoli 1kg (pasta).........................0.95 CHF
Toblernone 6pk (Swiss choc.)..................6.95 CHF
Salzstangen (pretzels)...............................0.80 CHF
Muesli Trauben/n 1kg (oatmeal)...............2.40 CHF
Aktion 3pk (pasta sauce).........................7.35 CHF
Brotaufstrich Haselnu (nutella)..................1.80 CHF

Total: ~22.19 USD
Price for eggs and meat are high so I avoided buying them right away. And all of the sizes of the food containers are much smaller (except for pasta). 

Then I went to the local Coop (everyone knows about Coop here. Its like a Walmart that instead of spreading everything out is put together with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor) and picked up some lunch/dinner. The store closes at 5:00 on Saturdays and is not open on Sundays, a commonality for stores here.

Once my shopping was done I went for my first run in Switzerland. I mapped out the run on a website and took a picture of the map with my iPhone which I then ran with. The run started off well, but after a few turns I was bound to go off course and I did. I asked some locals where I was and pointed to the map on my iPhone. I was right where I thought and with a slight detour I was back on track. I ran along the Aar (pronounced Air) River, which has a very high water level even for the season. On the Aar River is the Bear park. And lucky enough for me, the bears were out today. 

Here are a few more pictures from my run.
P.S. I made it back safely to my apartment even though the run turned into a 2hr+ journey through Old Bern

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