Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 41: Top Notch Research

Trains are back running smoothly. No delays today. Thank the heavens because if I know one thing about Swiss people, it's that they like there trains on time. Got to work today. Talked with Patric and Ursina a little bit. Went on a coffee break. I really enjoy a good coffee break. One of the best parts of the day. Once I had my dose of caffeine, I began processing data from the test day with the stairs. I finished by the time lunch rolled around. We didn't know if we were going to have a bbq and grill some food so just in case I brought bratwurst (turns out I butcher the word when I say it). Also, Americans are dumb when they say, "Can't wait to grill some brats" because brat means fry in German. Wurst means sausage which is what you are grilling. SO when we say going to grills some brats. It's like we are going to grill and fry. No food involved. Wurst is not pronounced like worst. It's pronounce like voorst. Back to the day at the lab. After lunch, at 2:00pm, a friend of Heiner stopped by. He has developed a therapeutic shoe. The shoe is projected to decrease pressures on the foot that lead to other issues such as back pain. It does this with the sole of the shoe which has the layout of the perfect pronation (inward roll/heel strike to toe off) of the foot. Today was the first day of his research. He will be back in late July to start testing with his actual subjects so he wanted to do a trial run today. Heiner asked if I wanted to be his very first subject. They performed the trial like they would in late July. Had to put the insoles that are on the treadmill into my running shoes and walk on the treadmill at 4km/h and then put the insoles into his therapeutic shoe and do the same. Each insole has 99 sensors. The data is sent directly to the computer which gives a live view of location and magnitude of pressure on the insole. The system cost 30,000 franks. However, the lab got it for free. Heiner's wife won it in a raffle. She is also in the health field.

After work I ran to the Aare. Joel invited me down to go for another float. This time we jumped into the river from a bridge. It wasn't too high. Floated down to the public pools again. Sat in the sun to dry off. And then ran back to Tscharnergut. Good day.

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